The Pajama Commandments
In 2006, a religious monument was dismantled in a public park in downtown La Crosse, Wisconsin. Found underneath the monument was a tablet containing strictures regarding the public wearing of pajamas. The date of the tablet has been estimated as far back as 3,000 BCE, but that estimation was articulated by my buddy Jake, who was drunk. It's more likely that the tablet was stuck under the religious monument when it was erected in 1998--I mean... it's just a Mead spiral bound tablet, so... those don't usually last 5,000 years. Suck it, Jake. Anyway, the tablet is now under lock and key inside my saxophone case downstairs behind the old baby crib. It contains the following decrees, many of which may originate in the Epic of Gilgamesh , who was a big all-day-pajamas guy. The Pajama Commandments 1. None of directives apply to you if you don't care. If you flat out just don't care, you can wear pajamas anytime, anywhere. 2. If you're not ...